It is GORGEOUS out and there would be nothing more delicious than a medium iced with skim milk and one sugar. But then you would have nothing to read about today.
Yesterday went well… I ran into one minor glitch in the evening (more on that later) but I am still successful with my challenge! Yesterday I didn’t have class until1, so I got to sleep in. I made coffee at my leisure (I didn’t try to preset it this time!) and had a Trader Joe’s Greek yogurt for breakfast.
I brought leftovers from the mustard-crusted chicken for lunch, but there weren’t any leftovers for the vegetables or starch, so it was just the chicken. Sort of boring and not a complete meal, but I managed.
Last night I had to babysit. I picked them up from school we made a frozen pizza for dinner with some salad. Even though frozen pizza may sort of seem like cheating, I didn’t buy it, and I was instructed to make it for dinner. After dinner we were playing a ball game that we made up and I told one of the girls that if she scored a goal on me I would take them out for ice cream. She did (I let her, i’m actually unstoppable at base-ket-hock-bike-ball). So then I realized I sort of dug myself into a hole. If I explained to them the challenge, they would never accept that as a good enough reason not to get ice cream. If I backed out on the offer, they would have hated me forever. So, we piled into the car and headed over to J.P. Licks. Back when I ate out and got coffee at places, I was at J.P. Licks and got a “cow card”, which is like a member card or whatever that gives you free stuff and takes up space on your keychain. When we got there I realized that with the cow card I was entitled to a FREE SMALL ICE CREAM! I got them kiddie cups and got myself a small cup (they were so jealous and then I made them try my ice cream – coffee – and they got over it real quick.) So, I did pay for theirs but I did not pay for mine. I felt like I was violating my challenge, and maybe I was, but I just couldn’t not take them out for ice cream. What do you think, readers? Did I violate my challenge? (If you say yes maybe I can quit and run to Dunkin Donuts!)
Another exciting thing about the cow card is that I am entitled to a free coffee!!! And YES, IT CAN BE ICED!
So, in theory, yesterday went well. Technically, I may have slipped up a little. Tonight when I am babysitting I am going to keep my mouth shut and maybe skip making bets I can't keep in base-ket-hock-bike-ball.
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
17 hours ago
I think it's fine. You didn't buy it, so it counts! I suppose by that logic, Dine and Dash would be okay, too, but bitches don't dine and dash :-)