We sort of slacked off the last year and almost a month. I don't know what happened. Are you mad? Can we still be friends?
This summer flew by, full of fresh veggies, days at the beach, and lots and lots of train rides. We, along with the Original Bitch, her cook, and a handful of significant others (aka cooks) and one adorable thirty-something month old, went to EUROPE! We went on a whirlwind tour of a bunch of countries, seeing lots of people we love, and eating lots of amazing food and drinking lots of amazing beer. We got to go to a wedding in Germany, where they partied for about 20 hours straight. We also marinated in the blue lagoon and got to see the extraordinary buildings (and prices!) in Copenhagen. It was a fantastic, memorable trip.
As the summer has wound down we've been able to cook at home a lot more, often using really good, local ingredients. Maria's CSA through Waltham Fields Community Farms went until last week, and didn't slow down a bit. Check out last week's crunchy bounty!
Another thing that's been happening is that one of the bitches has been getting a little... rotund. We are so excited for new little family member coming in December. It's a boy, so we'll be sure to get him a kitchen set before his first birthday.
So, sorry we haven't been posting as much. We'll be better about it I swear. Some things to look forward to reading about are...
Unemployed Boyfriends and their Cooking Prowess!
Barbeque that will Change Your Life!
Adventures in Canning and Preserving!
Peace, Love, and Kohlrabi,
The Bitches